
Resident Book Dragon

I am a book junkie, nerdstyle blogger and writer-in-training who was born with several congenital diseases. Despite being born with a section of my heart missing and only half of my spine intact, I attempt to tackle life with an optimistic view and a desire to explore every inch of the planet.  I spend the majority of my time exploring the world and creating new ones as I am inspired, crafting bold recipes in the kitchen, or chasing down a dream from my bucket list.  Creating worlds is something I’ve forever found fascinating with gathering inspiration to meld fantasy with reality in a way that grabs you and doesn’t release until long after.
I really tend to be a free spirit that can’t be tied down. My love for travel and adventure has taken me on trips around the country and I’m always thrilled to be able to share my experiences with a willing ear.
My love of books runs deep – through too many genres and subjects to list, though if you really want to get on my good side — dystopian and fantasies are my faaaaaavorite. If I’m not writing,  I can be found consuming stories as fast as my mind can process them. Some of my most favorites include “Fahrenheit 451”, “The Lunar Chronicles”, and The Scarpetta Novels. Whether it be bound or Kindle, my nose is forever in a story.