One of my biggest hobbies is book thrifting. This is honestly where I get MOST of my collectors editions, special editions and more. I’ve had so many questions about where and how I manage to get my books for half price (or more), so I’ve decided to set up a page with resources to help you become a savvy book thrifter!


Thrift Books

This is probably one of my most used sites. At first glance, the site seems like a typical run of the mill thrift site. However, if you dig a little deeper, you soon find the entire site is full of collectables, signed books, and so much more! I cannot even list how many Special Edition books I have purchased for under $5 on this site.

From Harry Potter collector editions (YES REALLY) to out of print first print, first editions, I am constantly adding to my collections. Even better, TB offers FREE SHIPPING on orders over $10 (in the US)! Head over to Thrift Books and get ready to shop til you drop – I’ve included a 15% off coupon for you as well!

Abe Books

This is the second most used site for me when it comes to looking for exclusive, rare, or special editions. This should actually be my most used, but I sometimes forget about it until I’m reminded, so here is a reminder for us all. ABE BOOKS IS THE BOMB! As in, just a few months ago I found a pretty decent 1st/1st signed B&N GODSGRAVE for $1.99. YEP. You read that right. 🙂

Abebooks has sellers from EVERYWHERE. Foreign and domestic editions, signed, rare, and collectors. They even have textbooks! This site really is a plethora of great resources, and I recommend that everyone check it out at least once. I will warn you that as they are private sellers, for the most part, not everything is free shipping and some of the items come from international locations. As long as you are diligent, you are likely to find what you are looking for.

Abebooks is waiting for you!


Yes, you say that right gentlefriends, GOOD OLE E-BAY! I hadn’t been on e-bay in literally YEARS. I had forgotten about it in large part because of AMAZING TWO DAY AMAZON! However, by waiting just a few more days, I’ve been able to score AMAZING deals on books that I really wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford, or find, to my collection!