WWW Wednesdays – 4.1.2020

It’s Wednesday, so let’s hop on the bandwagon! WWW Wednesdays are hosted by Taking on a World of Words.

What are you reading…?


That’s all.

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FLULA! The funniest German around! I absolutely love Flula’s YouTube videos – and his performance on Pitch Perfect was utterly brilliant! So HOW could I pass up his very first audiobook? I was cackling like a hyena bred witch before I was even done with the introduction. I have no doubt this will be on my FINISHED list next week!

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I put a pause on this and consumed many an audiobooks, so I’m going to jump back in!

What did you recently finish…?

This was a 5 star read for me! I ADORED it!
My one complaint is the events of the story are glossed over many times. Otherwise, WOW! Full review to come!
I really am smitten with Gyda and Torvi! <3

What will you read next…?

I’ve decided to stop filling out this section, because honestly – I’m very much a mood and opportunistic reader, so what I may plan to read next will end up being pushed down 5 spots.

So, I’ll just say that what I’m reading next it up in the air! <3