It’s Wednesday, so let’s hop on the bandwagon! WWW Wednesdays are hosted by Taking on a World of Words.
What are you reading…?

I am completely enthralled with this novel. I have had it on my radar for a while, but never picked it up. I was in a reading slump last week and had a friend select my next read. She plucked the perfect read for me!

I’m currently making my way through this series, as I don’t remember so many things about it! I really love Seraphina though, and I’m ready to rediscover Tess’ story next!
What did you recently finish…?

I was actually much more impressed with this novel than I had thought I would be. Definitely a good read!!
What will you read next…?

It’s next on my list! I will be picking this beauty up after I finish Blanca & Roja (which will probably be today.)

I’ve had this on my ARC TBR for a while, but I haven’t had the time to dive in yet. Hopefully this week I can get started on it!