I am always envious of those that have the time to do Read-a-thons. I have been desperate to be able to lay around and read and read and read without anything else today.
Welp, here we are! The Coronovirus has granted that wish and I am diving into my first read-a-thon. This is hosted by LitJoy Crate and runs from April 3rd to April 16th.
I will be updating daily (probably in the evening/early morning) after I’ve completed the days reading!
This should have been posted last night but I was too enthralled with the ending of my book to post before bed, so here goes nothing!
☽ Day One ☾
Books Finished

Queer love, adventure, mythology and Persian influences. This was a great start to my read-a-thon!
Books Started

I was pretty smitten with Blanca & Roja – and a tale about a girl with roses growing out of her wrists sounds right up my alley! Let’s see how fast I can devour this one!