WWW Wednesdays – 12/18/19

WWW Wednesdays – 12/18/19

Oh my goodness Ya’ll! It’s almost CHIRSTMAS!! I haven’t been doing much reading since I’ve been overwhelmed with Christmas activities, work and life, so there isn’t much change to this week’s reading line up. Check it out below!

As always, WWW Wednesdays are hosted by Taking on a World of Words.

What are you reading…?

Still plugging along on this dreamscape of a story. It’s caught and dropped my attention several times, so it’s taken me much longer than expected to make my way through.

Y’all. This book is so good! I really did not vibe with the audiobook (surprising for me!) but I really love the novel so far.

I know, I know. It’s Debut December, but I couldn’t help but continue Spensa’s story!

What did you recently finish…?

Claim the stars… no, claim my heart! This book was so… everything! I really enjoyed Spensa’s story, and I’m eager for more.

What will you read next…?

This arc has been on my shelf for months, but I’m not allowed to give a review until January, so I’ve forced myself to wait. NOW I DON’T HAVE TO WAIT!