This week’s new releases that are on my radar:

Another QUEER mermaid story. Need I say more?! I am working my way through my list of ARCs to review and I believe I’m ALMOST to this one! I can’t wait to dive into this lush world.
Release Date: August 4th, 2020
Publisher: Sourcebooks Fire

This novel is the start to a new series by authors Sara Raasch & Kristen Simmons. I’ve really enjoyed collaborative works lately and I’m eager to see how this one unfolds!
Release Date: August 4th
Publisher: Balzer + Bray

Well, well, well… what have we here?! Finally, after two(?) years, we have the sequel to MIRAGE. This duo is on my TBR for this month, and I’m super excited to revisit the enthralling and dangerous world that Daud has created.
Release date: August 6th, 2020
Publisher: Hodder
This is not the complete list of books that were published today, but a good sampling of some on my radar. Did I miss any that you are excited about?